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Boost your cell reception at home with the zBoost Metro YX540

Not having cell signal in your home can be extremely frustrating.  This is a common problem for people in cities where buildings can block signals and in the country where cell towers are not placed in frequent locations.  The zBoost YX540 Metro will solve these problems for you by capturing the signal that you do receive and amplify it, allowing you to enjoy your calls without having to worry about them being dropped.

The YX540 is made for apartments and single story homes because while other signal repeaters require vertical separation between the antenna and the amplifier unit, with the Metro, you can install both at the same height and the signals will still not interfere with each other.  Cell signal strength will experience a significant boost in the room where the repeater is located, but deteriorates significantly when walls and obstacles are factored in.  Consider this during installation so that you can locate the repeater in as open of an area as possible where you use your phone most often.

Instillation is relatively straight forward and easy, but if you don’t follow instructions exactly it will result in the unit not performing to its full potential.  You first place the antenna in the window where you have the best reception and then connect the antenna to the repeater with the included coaxial cable.  ZBoost includes a lengthily amount of cable and since the repeater is made for a one story apartment, I have a hard time envisioning a scenario where you would need more cable than what comes with the device.

The convenience of easy instillation and not having to worry about placing the antenna on a different floor than the repeater is a huge advantage that the zBoost Metro offers.  The only disadvantage I noticed with it was that it can be easy to make a mistake during instillation, which would cause the devices performance to suffer.  When done right however, you will immediately notice an increase in cell call performance and data speeds.  Plus, many repeaters only boost one of these categories so if you need an all around solution for your Smartphone’s lack luster performance, the zBoost Metro is the perfect fit for you.

zBoost YX540: $149.99

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