First Man to Drive on the Moon
July 31, 1971 Using the battery-powered Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), Astronaut David Scott of the Apollo 15 mission becomes the first person to drive a vehicle on the Moon. The LRV was used during the last three missions to the Moon, Apollo 15, 16, and 17. The three LRVs used during the missions still remain on the surface of…
Apple Lisa is Born
July 30, 1979 Apple begins work on the Lisa, which would become the world’s first commercial computer with a graphical user interface. Originally intended to sell for $ 2,000 and ship in 1981, the Lisa is delayed until 1983 and sells for $ 10,000. Utilizing technology that is ahead of its time, the high cost,…
Apple Lisa is Born
July 30, 1979 Apple begins work on the Lisa, which would become the world’s first commercial computer with a graphical user interface. Originally intended to sell for $ 2,000 and ship in 1981, the Lisa is delayed until 1983 and sells for $ 10,000. Utilizing technology that is ahead of its time, the high cost,…
First Transcontinental Phone Call
July 29, 1914 The first test call is made on the newly completed transcontinental telephone line, taking place between New York and San Francisco. The last pole was erected and the line completed two days earlier on July 27th, but commercial service did not start until January 25th of the next year. The sixth month delay…
First Transcontinental Phone Call
July 29, 1914 The first test call is made on the newly completed transcontinental telephone line, taking place between New York and San Francisco. The last pole was erected and the line completed two days earlier on July 27th, but commercial service did not start until January 25th of the next year. The sixth month delay…
IBM’s First Desktop Computer
July 28, 1981 IBM introduces their System/23 Datamaster desktop computer, only two weeks before they introduce their IBM PC. Geared towards small business for use as a word processor and data processor, the computer was designed to be set up by end-users without the need of a computer specialist. While now a footnote in history, the…
IBM’s First Desktop Computer
July 28, 1981 IBM introduces their System/23 Datamaster desktop computer, only two weeks before they introduce their IBM PC. Geared towards small business for use as a word processor and data processor, the computer was designed to be set up by end-users without the need of a computer specialist. While now a footnote in history, the…
Microsoft Buys Full Rights to 86-DOS
July 27, 1981 About two weeks before IBM begins shipping the first IBM PC, Microsoft buys the full rights to the operating system 86-DOS, formerly known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), from Seattle Computer Products for $ 50,000. Microsoft had previously paid $ 25,000 to SCP for a non-exclusive license in December 1980…
Microsoft Buys Full Rights to 86-DOS
July 27, 1981 About two weeks before IBM begins shipping the first IBM PC, Microsoft buys the full rights to the operating system 86-DOS, formerly known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), from Seattle Computer Products for $ 50,000. Microsoft had previously paid $ 25,000 to SCP for a non-exclusive license in December 1980…
World’s First Geosynchronous Satellite
Surfin’ ain’t easy, and right now, you’re lost at sea. But don’t worry; simply pick an option from the list below, and you’ll be back out riding the waves of the Internet in no time. Hit the “back” button on your browser. It’s perfect for situations like this! Head on over to the home page.…