Disney CEO Claims Apple Encourages Theft
February 28, 2002 Disney CEO Michael Eisner testifies at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., on the protection of digital content from piracy. Eisner lobbies for sterner enforcement of copyright laws, claiming that Apple Computer advertisements for the iPod encourage copyright violations. “Rip. Mix. Burn. … they can create a theft if they…
CompUSA Restructures
February 27, 2007 CompUSA announces that it will close 126 retail stores by June and restructure its remaining 103 stores. Eventually those 103 stores also close. Once a major player in the computer retails sales market, CompUSA was eventually purchased by Systemax. Systemax now runs 35 stores bearing the CompUSA name. CompUSA Restructures is…
The First Web Browser Introduced
February 26, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee introduces WorldWideWeb, the first web browser and WYSIWYG HTML editor. The First Web Browser Introduced is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com
First Fly-By of Uranus
February 24, 1986 Voyager 2 performs the first fly-by of the planet Uranus. Voyager 2 still is transmitting data to this day, and a Twitter feed reports on its progress. First Fly-By of Uranus is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day…
First Mobile Phone Virus
February 23, 2005 The discovery of the first mobile phone virus, Cabir, is accounced. Specifically, Cabir is a worm which infects phones running the Symbian OS. Whenever an infected phone is activated, the message “Caribe” is displayed. Infected phones also attempts to spread the virus through Bluetooth signals. First Mobile Phone Virus is original content…
First Telephone Book Published
February 21, 1878 The first telephone book is issued in New Haven, Connecticut by the New Haven Telephone Company. It lists twenty-one names. You probably have at least twice as many names in your cell phone today! First Telephone Book Published is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History…
Space Station Mir is Launched
February 20, 1986 The Soviet Union launches the core module of the Mir space station. The core module will provide living quarters for the cosmonauts, including a galley, cooking elements, storage, individual crew cabins and personal hygiene area. Five additional modules will be launched between March 1987 and April 1996. Space Station Mir is Launched…
HD DVD Surrenders
February 19, 2008 The “war” over the High Definition successor to the DVD ends when the supporters of the HD DVD format discontinue it. The Sony-backed Blu-ray format had garnered the support of many players in the industry, leading to the demise of HD DVD. HD DVD Surrenders is original content of This Day in…
First Flight of Space Shuttle – Just Not Into Space
February 18, 1977 The first Space Shuttle orbiter, the Enterprise, embarks on its maiden flight in “captive mode,” attached to the top of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet. The flight is the first of five captive flights before the orbiter is finally released to land on its own. The nine month test program is conducted…
Windows 2000 Introduced
February 17, 2000 Microsoft introduces the latest version of the Windows NT line of operating systems, Windows 2000. While Windows 2000 did bring plug and play to the Windows NT line, it was targeted to the business market and not the consumer. It was not until Windows XP that Microsoft merged the NT line with…