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Category: Today In Tech

  • Barnes and Noble Releases Nook

    November 30, 2009 Book retailer Barnes and Noble releases their first Nook e-reader to compete with the highly successful Amazon Kindle, released two years earlier. Barnes and Noble Releases Nook is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Atari Introduces Pong

    November 29, 1972 Atari introduces their first product, Pong, which would become the world’s first commercially successful video game. The popularity of Pong sparked the beginning of the video game industry with Atari being the leader in both arcade and home video gaming industries through the early 1980’s. Atari Introduces Pong is original content of…

  • Polaroid Instant Camera Goes on Sale

    November 28, 1948 Just in time for the Christmas shopping season, 57 units of the first commercial instant camera, the Polaroid Land Camera Model 95, go on sale at the Jordan Marsh department store in Boston. Producing sepia toned photographs in about one minute, the Model 95 became a hit almost as quickly. Polaroid believed that 57 units would be…

  • Microsoft Ships Internet Explorer 2.0

    November 27, 1995 Nearly 6 months to the day after Bill Gates sent his Internet Tidal Wave memo recognizing the importance of the Internet, and only 3 months after releasing version 1.0, Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5. IE 2.0 was still based on licensed code from Spyglass Mosaic, but was the…

  • MP3 Patented in US

    There is no official logo for MPEG Audio Layer III, otherwise known as MP3 November 26, 1996 United States Patent 5,579,430 is granted to the Fraunhofer Institut in Germany for a “digital encoding process”, the technology used in MEPG Audio Layer III, more commonly known as MP3. MP3 technology paved the way for the digital music…

  • AOL Buys Netscape

    November 24, 1998 AOL announces it will buy Netscape Communications in a stock-for-stock deal worth approximately $ 4.2 billion. At the time it was considered a move by AOL and Netscape to merge forces to better compete with Microsoft in the browser and Internet provider markets. However, Microsoft’s dominance in the personal computer market could…

  • World of Warcraft Released

    November 23, 2004 Blizzard Entertainment releases the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is currently the most popular online game in history. World of Warcraft Released is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Toy Story Changes the Movies

    November 22, 1995 Walt Disney Pictures releases the Pixar Animation Studios production Toy Story, the first major motion picture that is created completely by computer-generated animation. A breakthrough film, Toy Story set the standard for all future computer animated films to follow and catapulted Pixar into a household name. Toy Story Changes the Movies is original content of This…

  • The Birth of the Internet

    November 21, 1969 A little less than a month after the first test message was sent, the first permanent link on the ARPANet is established between UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute. As the ARPANet was the foundation of the modern Internet, this connection can now be considered the very first link of what we…

  • Windows 1.0 Ships

    November 20, 1985 Two years after initially being announced, Microsoft finally ships the first version of Windows. Originally slated to be shipped in April of 1984, the long delay caused skeptics to began to accuse Windows of being “vaporware”. Due to the relatively high demands of then-current PC technology, Windows 1.0 was generally considered too…