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Category: Today In Tech

  • First Phone Call Over Outdoor Wires

    October 9, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson demonstrate the first two-way phone call over outdoor wires. Bell and Watson made their call between the cities of Boston and Cambridge. First Phone Call Over Outdoor Wires is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by…

  • The First Transistor Calculator

    October 7, 1954 IBM researchers modify an existing model 604 vacuum tube calculator to use transistors. This experiment didn’t shrink the desk-sized machine nor make it any faster, but it did use only 5% of the power the vacuum tube-based design did. Encouraged by this successful experiment, IBM introduced the first commercial transistor calculator 4…

  • Photocopying Patented

    October 6, 1942 Chester Carlson is issued a patent on a process called electrophotography, now commonly known as photocopying. It was not until 1946 that a company had any interest in pursuing photocopying commercially. The Haloid Company finally licensed Carlson’s patent and created the word xerography to differentiate the process from traditional photography. Eventually, photocopying…

  • Steve Jobs Passes Away

    October 5, 2011 After a long battle with pancreatic cancer, technology visionary and founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs passes away. Jobs’ contributions to the technology industry are undeniable. Together with Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs started the personal computer revolution with their Apple II computer. After being forced out of Apple, Jobs went on to…

  • Sputnik Launches the Space Age

    October 4, 1957 The first man-made satellite to orbit the Earth, Sputnik 1, is launched from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, marking what is now considered the beginning of the Space Age. Surprising the world with its successful launch, Sputnik triggered the Space Race between the Soviet Union and United States ushering in an era of rapid advancement…

  • Transistor Patented

    October 3, 1950 AT&T Bell Laboratories researchers John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley receive a US Patent for their invention of the transistor, which they had successfully demonstrated two years earlier. The transistor completely revolutionized the development of electronic and computerized technology. Transistor Patented is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day…

  • The First CD Player

    October 1, 1982 The first commercial compact disc player, the Sony CDP-101, goes on sale in Japan. The First CD Player is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Ethernet is Drafted

    September 30, 1980 Digital, Intel, and Xerox release version 1.0 of the Ethernet specification, known as the Blue Book. Since that time, Ethernet has evolved into the de facto networking standard for local area networks (LAN) in businesses and in the home. Ethernet is Drafted is original content of This Day in Tech History. This…

  • Microsoft Word 1.0 for DOS

    September 29, 1983 Microsoft releases their first software application, Microsoft Word 1.0. For use with MS-DOS compatible systems, Word was the first word processing software to make extensive use of a computer mouse. Not coincidentally, Microsoft had released a computer mouse for IBM-compatible PCs earlier in the year. A demo version was also included for…

  • Apple Asks Us to Think Different

    September 28, 1997 Just a little over two weeks after naming Steve Jobs interim CEO, Apple launches their “Think Different” ad campaign. Designed to reintroduce the Apple brand, the campaign was nearly universally praised by the press, general public, and advertising industry, winning several awards along the way. Looking back in context, Think Different was…