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Category: Today In Tech

  • NASA Unveils Enterprise

    September 17, 1976 NASA rolls out the first Space Shuttle, Enterprise, from its assembly facility to a waiting crowd. Included in the crowd was a delegation of actors from the Star Trek TV series. Originally to be named Constitution, a write-in campaign by Star Trek fans convinced President Gerald Ford and NASA to rename the Space Shuttle.…

  • Steve Jobs Named Interim CEO of Apple

    September 16, 1997 Twelve years to the day after resigning from Apple, Steve Jobs is named Interim CEO of Apple. Only seven months earlier, Jobs’ company NeXT was purchased by Apple and just two months earlier Gil Amelio resigned as Apple CEO. Much of the technology acquired with the purchase of NeXT was used to build…

  • The Last Apple II

    September 15, 1986 Apple introduces the Apple IIgs, the last major product release in the Apple II series of personal computers. Blending the older Apple II series computers with aspects from the Macintosh computer, the advanced “graphics and sound” capabilities of the IIgs (hence the name) was ahead of other contemporary computers such as the…

  • First Man-Made Object on Moon

    September 14, 1959 The Soviet space probe Luna 2 crashes onto the surface of the Moon, becoming the first man-made object to reach the Moon, as well as the first man-made object to reach any celestial body. First Man-Made Object on Moon is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech…

  • Osborne Declares Bankruptcy

    September 13, 1983 The Osborne Computer Corporation declares bankruptcy only two years after producing the first portable computer, the Osborne I. Computer industry lore has it that the “Osborne Effect” killed the company, but it was also due to competitive pressure and mismanagement. Osborne Declares Bankruptcy is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in…

  • First Test of an Integrated Circuit

    September 12, 1958 Researcher Jack Kilby demonstrates the first integrated circuit to other researchers and executives at Texas Instruments. First Test of an Integrated Circuit is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • International Cometary Explorer Passes Through Comet

    September 11, 1985 The International Cometary Explorer passes through the gas tail of comet P/Giacobini-Zinner, the first ever man-made object to pass through the tail of a comet. International Cometary Explorer Passes Through Comet is original content of This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • The First Internet Search Engine

    September 10, 1990 The first Internet search engine, Archie, is launched. It was used to index FTP archives to make finding files easier. However, as the technology for the World Wide Web was not invented until later in the year, it was not the first web search engine. The First Internet Search Engine is original…

  • The First Computer “Bug”

    September 9, 1945 Operators of the Harvard Mark II find a moth trapped in relay #70 in panel F. The bug is taped to their troubleshooting log where it was written, “First actual case of bug being found”. This was not the first use of the term “bug” for computer problems, but this was the…

  • RIAA Sues A Twelve-Year Old

    September 8, 2003 The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sues 261 people for sharing music on Internet peer-to-peer networks, including 12-year old Brianna LaHara. Eventually bringing suit against at least 30,000 people, the RIAA intended to reduce the amount of music being shared, but instead generated a public backlash against the established recording industry. RIAA Sues…