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Category: Today In Tech

  • TRS-80 Model 100 Introduced

    March 29, 1983 Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Model 100, one of the first portable computers in a notebook-style form factor. The portability, simplicity, and built-in modem of the Model 100 made it very popular with journalists who could write stories in the field and transmit them back to their offices. Incidentally, in the early…

  • Kodak Releases DC40

    March 28, 1995 Kodak releases the DC40 camera, which is only the second digital camera for the consumer market. While introduced over a year after Apple’s QuickTake 100 camera, Kodak’s marketing was largely responsible for popularizing digital photography. The post Kodak Releases DC40 appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech…

  • 20-Year Old Bill Gates Gives Address

    March 27, 1976 Bill Gates gives the opening address at the First Annual World Altair Computer Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Gates was still a student at Harvard but along with Paul Allen helped develop the version of the BASIC language sold with the Altair computer. The post 20-Year Old Bill Gates Gives Address appeared…

  • Melissa Unleashes

    March 26, 1999 The first e-mail virus to cause widespread damage and one of the fastest spreading viruses in history, Melissa was released into the wild on an early Friday morning and within three days would infect between 100,000 and 250,000 computers around the world. While the virus did not directly cause any damage, the…

  • Twister First Movie on DVD

    March 25, 1996 The movie Twister becomes the first featured film put on DVD. FYI, it sounds really good in surround sound!   The post Twister First Movie on DVD appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Mir Falls From the Sky

    March 23, 2001 The Russian space station Mir burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere after fifteen years in orbit. The debris that isn’t burned up falls safely into the Pacific ocean between Chile and New Zealand, in a region from which governments had routed planes and ships away. The station, which was launched in 1986,…

  • Mir Falls From the Sky

    March 23, 2001 The Russian space station Mir burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere after fifteen years in orbit. The debris that isn’t burned up falls safely into the Pacific ocean between Chile and New Zealand, in a region from which governments had routed planes and ships away. The station, which was launched in 1986,…

  • The World’s First Tweet

    March 21, 2006 Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sends the world’s first (non-automated) tweet: inviting co-workers A note to future entrepreneurs: when doing the “first” of anything, it may be for posterity so try to be interesting. Kthnx. The post The World’s First Tweet appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History…

  • The World’s First Tweet

    March 21, 2006 Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sends the world’s first (non-automated) tweet: inviting co-workers A note to future entrepreneurs: when doing the “first” of anything, it may be for posterity so try to be interesting. Kthnx. The post The World’s First Tweet appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History…

  • Arcade Game of Many Firsts

    March 18, 1974 Atari Introduces Gran Trak 10. It is the first arcade game to use solid state read-only memory (ROM) to store sprites for each car, the game timer, the race track, and the score. As such, it’s the the first game to have defined characters rather than mathematically manipulated dots. The game’s controls, which…