AT&T Settles; Agrees to Breakup
January 8, 1982 The US Department of Justice and AT&T finalize a settlement under which AT&T agrees to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions, to take effect January 1, 1984. The post AT&T Settles; Agrees to Breakup appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in…
First Day of Transatlantic Phone Service
January 7, 1927 The first commercial transatlantic phone service was made available to the public. It used radio signals rather than the undersea cable or satellite technology of today. 31 calls were made between New York and London that day. The post First Day of Transatlantic Phone Service appeared first on This Day in Tech History.…
Mac OS X Introduced
January 6, 2000 Steve Jobs unveils Mac OS X for the first time, declaring another computing revolution was on its way. It was certainly a revolution for Mac users at the time, and has lead the way for a resurgence of Apple in the marketplace. As Mac OS X is the basis for the iOS…
Richard Stallman Begins Work on GNU
January 5, 1984 Richard Stallman begins work on the GNU operating system, intended to be a free UNIX-like OS. Combined with the Linux kernel, GNU/Linux is the most popular free and open-source operating system today. Believing that people should be able to freely modify the software they use, Stallman would later found the Free Software…
Spirit Lands on Mars
January 4, 2004 Spirit, a NASA Mars Rover, lands successfully on Mars. The post Spirit Lands on Mars appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com
The Genesis of Bitcoin
This isn’t really the Bitcoin Genesis Block, but you knew that, right? January 3, 2009 The pseudonymous Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto mines the first 50 bitcoins, now known as the Genesis Block, six days before the initial release of the bitcoin software and launch of the cryptocurrency network. Bitcoin has become the de-facto digital currency, popular for its decentralized approach…
Stardust Flies By Comet Wild 2
January 2, 2004 The NASA spacecraft Stardust successfully flies past Comet Wild 2, collecting samples that are returned to Earth. The post Stardust Flies By Comet Wild 2 appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com
Domain Name System Created; .com is Born!
January 1, 1985 The Internet’s Domain Name System is created. If only I had the foresight back then to start registering .com names! NORDU.NET was the first domain created on this day, for purposes of hosting the first domain root server, nic.nordu.net. However, the first domain to actually be registered was symbolics.com a couple of months later on…
Y2K Looms
December 31, 1999 The world waits in anticipation of the year 2000 and the potential disasters that might be brought about by the Y2K bug. Personally, having worked years in a corporate environment getting ready for Y2K, I was pretty confident that nothing major would happen. So just for fun, I set up my home…
Jeff Bezos Named Person of the Year
December 27, 1999 Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is named Person of the Year by Time Magazine. The post Jeff Bezos Named Person of the Year appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com