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Category: Today In Tech

  • All Your Base Are Belong To Us

    May 31, 1991 Sega releases the video game Zero Wing for the Sega Mega Drive system in Europe. The game was never released in North America, and was relatively unknown until years later when the poorly translated opening scene was popularized on the Internet. The most famous mistranslation is the phrase “All your base are belong…

  • First Automobile Accident

    May 30, 1896 The first auto accident on record occurs in New York City when a Duryea Motor Wagon driven by Henry Wells collides with a bicycle ridden by Evylyn Thomas. New Yorkers probably accused Henry of being from Jersey, but he was actually from Massachusetts. The post First Automobile Accident appeared first on This Day in…

  • Discovery Docks with International Space Station

    May 29, 1999 The Space Shuttle Discovery completes the first docking with the International Space Station (ISS). The post Discovery Docks with International Space Station appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • GIF is Not Peanut Butter

    May 28, 1987 CompuServe releases the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) standard as a new computer graphics file format. Due to color limitations, the GIF format is unsuitable for reproducing color photographs, but it is well-suited for more simple images such as graphics or logos with solid areas of color. This made it probably the most…

  • Windows Hits Version 2.1

    May 27, 1988 Microsoft releases 2 versions of Windows 2.1 – One for 286 computers and one for 386 computers. Do you remember this version of Windows? No? Not many people do. It wasn’t until version 3 that Windows had any sort of appreciable user base. The post Windows Hits Version 2.1 appeared first on…

  • Bill Gates’ Internet Tidal Wave

    May 26, 1995 Realizing his company had missed the boat in estimating the impact and popularity of the Internet, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates issues a memo titled, “The Internet Tidal Wave,” which signaled the company’s focus on the global network. In the memo, Gates declared that the Internet was the “most important single development” since…

  • Return of the Jedi

    May 25, 1983 The third installment in the original Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi, is released six years to the day after the first Star Wars movie. Return of the Jedi continued to raise the bar in special effects technology that its predecessors set. The film’s final space battle, for example, was of…

  • First Night Baseball Game

    May 24, 1935 The first night major league baseball game is played in Cincinnati. The hometown Reds defeated the visiting Philadelphia Phillies 2-1. Night baseball caught on around the league very quickly – except for the Chicago Cubs, who didn’t play a home night game until 1988. Why am I not surprised? The post First…

  • The Old World Gets Connected

    May 23, 1903 Paris, France and Rome, Italy are connected by telephone for first time. Feel free to congratulate me for finding this picture at any time. The post The Old World Gets Connected appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Happy Birthday, Pac-Man!

    Puck-Man was the original name for Pac-Man May 22, 1980 Namco’s upcoming game “Puck-Man” is location tested in a movie theater complex in Japan. After favorable initial testing, the game is slightly tweaked, with the most major change the renaming of the game to “Pac-Man”. Midway, Namco’s U.S. distributor, thought that vandals would alter the…