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Category: Today In Tech

  • IBM Introduces PC-XT

    March 8, 1983 IBM introduces the IBM Personal Computer XT, which stands for eXtended Technology. For a price of $ 4,995, it features a Intel 8088 processor, a 10MB hard drive, eight expansion slots, serial port, 128 kB RAM, 40Kb ROM, a keyboard, and one double-sided 360kB floppy drive. The post IBM Introduces PC-XT appeared first on This…

  • Bell Receives Patent for Telephone

    March 7, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent (US No. 174,465) for an “Improvement in Telegraphy,” which will later come to be known as the variable resistance telephone. The post Bell Receives Patent for Telephone appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in…

  • Michelangelo Strikes

    March 6, 1992 The Michelangelo virus, so-named because it activates on March 6, the birthday of Michelangelo, begins infecting computers. The virus will also make news in 1993. It was one of the earliest viruses to receive widespread media attention and also one of the first to prompt widespread hysteria. The irony of the name…

  • Yahoo! Officially Launches

    March 5, 1995 The Yahoo! search engine officially launches on the Internet. 13 months later, Yahoo! will hold its IPO at a price of $ 13 per share. Yahoo!’s stock will peak at $ 475 in January 2000, and fall to $ 8.02 in September 2001. The post Yahoo! Officially Launches appeared first on This…

  • First Cray Supercomputer Shipped

    March 4, 1977 The first Cray-1 supercomputer is shipped to the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. This supercomputer, which costs nineteen million dollars, will be used to design sophisticated weapons systems. The system is a cylindrical tower seven feet tall, nine feet in diameter, and weighs about 5.5 tons. The machine produced so…

  • Michael Dell Steps Down as CEO

    March 3, 2004 Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell Computers, announces that he will step down from his his CEO role while retaining his position as Chairman of the Board. Dell president and COO, Kevin Rollins will assume his role. On January 31, 2007, (about 1 year after Dell fell behind Apple in market…

  • Gates Admits Netscape Lockout

    March 2, 1997 During a hearing on Microsoft’s alleged antitrust activities, Bill Gates admits Microsoft’s contracts bar Internet content providers from promoting Netscape’s browser. Eventually, Internet Explorer dominates the web browser market as it is shipped for free with every copy of Windows.   The post Gates Admits Netscape Lockout appeared first on This Day…

  • On The First Day …

    March 1, 1976 Steve Wozniak completes the basic design for the circuit board of a (relatively) easy-to-use personal computer. The next day he shows it to the Homebrew Computer Club, which Steve Jobs attends. Jobs realizes the potential and convinces Wozniak not to give away the schematics but instead produce printed circuit boards to sell.…

  • Disney CEO Claims Apple Encourages Theft

    February 28, 2002 Disney CEO Michael Eisner testifies at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., on the protection of digital content from piracy. Eisner lobbies for sterner enforcement of copyright laws, claiming that Apple Computer advertisements for the iPod encourage copyright violations. “Rip. Mix. Burn. … they can create a theft if they…

  • CompUSA Restructures

    February 27, 2007 CompUSA announces that it will close 126 retail stores by June and restructure its remaining 103 stores. Eventually those 103 stores also close. Once a major player in the computer retails sales market, CompUSA was eventually purchased by Systemax. Systemax now runs 35 stores bearing the CompUSA name.   The post CompUSA…