How could future technology have helped prevent what happened in Haiti?

Question by Z012495: How could future technology have helped prevent what happened in Haiti?
How could future technology have helped prevent what happened in haiti. What technology is being developed to prevent similar disasters.

Best answer:

Answer by Skipweasel
No need for new technology – most of what was needed in Haiti has been available for decades. A decent government without the staggering levels of corruption, proper building control with mandatory earthquake resistant designs, infrastructure planning for disasters.

Nothing new – just that in such a poor country that’s so badly run it’ll never happen.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 responses to “How could future technology have helped prevent what happened in Haiti?”

  1. Modern day technology could have saved Haiti. The reason they suffered such terrible losses was because their buildings were poorly constructed. They were not ready.

    I’m sure that any new buildings in Haiti will be constructed to withstand future earthquakes.

  2. haiti’s infrastructure has been incredibly weak since the revolution and Independence in 1804. there has been rampant poverty as a result of foreign exploitation, and a corrupt government (let’s not forget who supported in overthrow of Aristide in ’04) certainly doesn’t help

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