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Tag: AT&T

  • AT&T Takes Over Bell System

    December 30, 1899 American Bell, at the time parent corporation of the AT&T company, reorganizes and transfers its assets into AT&T. American Bell was incorporated in Massachusetts and AT&T was incorporated in New York. Massachusetts corporate laws would have limited the growth of American Bell so by reorganizing, AT&T could bypass Massachusetts law by becaming…

  • SBC Buys AT&T; The Learner Becomes the Master

    January 31, 2005 SBC announced that it would purchase AT&T Corp. for more than $ 16 billion. This completed (maybe) the long and sordid tale of the old AT&T company after their breakup in 1984. SBC, one of the original “baby bells”, renamed itself AT&T after the merger, confusing nearly everyone in the world as to…

  • It’s BIG! – Nokia Lumia 1520 From AT&T

    It’s BIG! – Nokia Lumia 1520 From AT&T

    Nokia has come out with yet another, Windows Phone.  With an enormous 6’ 1080p display, this phone definitely stands out of the crowd.  The device’s huge screen makes it ideal for viewing documents, watching videos, playing games; pretty much everything except carrying around.  It would be hard to find a pocket big enough to safely…

  • Something different in the Smartphone market: The BlackBerry Z10 for AT&T

    Something different in the Smartphone market: The BlackBerry Z10 for AT&T

    BlackBerry has been struggling to regain their formal hold on the Smartphone market for a while.  Their traditional strengths of reliable email and easy to use keyboards have become overshadowed by other manufacturers’ large app stores and touch screen phones.  In an attempt to get back into the game, Blackberry has created a new OS…