Tag: Launched

  • IMDb Launched

    October 17, 1990 Colin Needham, an English movie fan, launches the “rec.arts.movies movie database”, which would later be known as the Internet Movie Database, or IMDb. An engineer working for HP at the time, by 1996 Needham quit his job to work on IMDb full-time. The IMDb is one of the most visited sites on…

  • “Google Satellite” GeoEye-1 Launched

    September 6, 2008 After 5 months of delays, the high resolution earth observation satellite, GeoEye-1, is launched from Vandenburg Air Force Base. Owned by the corporation GeoEye, Inc., GeoEye-1 is capable of taking high resolution images with detail of down to 16 inches. However, the US Government has restricted that resolution for its own use.…

  • First Lunar Orbiter Launched

    August 10, 1966 The first lunar orbiter, creatively named Lunar Orbiter I, is launched. Its primary mission is to photograph potential landing sites for future Apollo missions. Previous post: The First E-mail From Space This Day in Tech History

  • First Lunar Orbiter Launched

    August 10, 1966 The first lunar orbiter, creatively named Lunar Orbiter I, is launched. Its primary mission is to photograph potential landing sites for future Apollo missions. Previous post: The First E-mail From Space This Day in Tech History