Tag: Mars

  • Mars Observer Lost

    August 21, 1993 NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft, three days before it was to enter into orbit around Mars. The reason for the loss of contact was never definitively determined, but the most probable cause was a rupture of a fuel tank. The post Mars Observer Lost appeared first on This Day…

  • First Mars Fly-By

    July 14, 1965 NASA’s Mariner 4 becomes the first spacecraft to perform a successful fly-by of Mars and the first to send back photographs of another planet from deep space. The photographs are the first showing details of Mars’ surface including extensive cratering. The post First Mars Fly-By appeared first on This Day in Tech…

  • Viking 1 Enters Mars Orbit

    June 19, 1976 The Viking 1 spacecraft enters the into orbit around the planet Mars 10 months after being launched from Earth. Viking 1 would become the first US spacecraft to land on Mars and the first spacecraft overall to successfully soft land and perform a mission on Mars. The post Viking 1 Enters Mars…

  • Opportunity Lands on Mars

    January 25, 2004 Opportunity rover (MER-B) lands on surface of Mars, three weeks after its twin, Spirit (MER-A), touched down on the other side of the planet. The post Opportunity Lands on Mars appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Spirit Lands on Mars

    January 4, 2004 Spirit, a NASA Mars Rover, lands successfully on Mars. The post Spirit Lands on Mars appeared first on This Day in Tech History. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in Tech History.com

  • Mars Polar Lander Launched

    January 3, 1999 The Mars Polar Lander is launched. The mission ultimately ended in failure during an attempted landing on Mars’ surface. Attempts to re-establish communication with the lander failed after the lander entered Mars’ atmosphere. It has been concluded that the most likely cause of the failure was a software error, causing the lander…

  • Mars Observer Lost

    August 21, 1993 NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft, three days before it was to enter into orbit around Mars. The reason for the loss of contact was never definitively determined, but the most probable cause was a rupture of a fuel tank. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This…

  • First Mars Fly-By

    July 14, 1965 NASA’s Mariner 4 becomes the first spacecraft to perform a successful fly-by of Mars and the first to send back photographs of another planet from deep space. The photographs are the first showing details of Mars’ surface including extensive cratering. This Day in Tech History Tech History provided by This Day in…

  • Mars Polar Lander Launched

    January 3, 1999 The Mars Polar Lander is launched. The mission ultimately ended in failure during an attempted landing on Mars’ surface. Attempts to re-establish communication with the lander failed after the lander entered Mars’ atmosphere. It has been concluded that the most likely cause of the failure was a software error, causing the lander…

  • Mars Observer Lost

    August 21, 1993 NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft, three days before it was to enter into orbit around Mars. The reason for the loss of contact was never definitively determined, but the most probable cause was a rupture of a fuel tank. This Day in Tech History