Apple and Microsoft Call Truce
August 6, 1997 At the Macworld Expo in Boston, Steve Jobs announces that Apple and Microsoft have signed a five-year alliance. Bill Gates famously makes his seemingly ominous “big brother” appearance on the large presentation screen during the announcement. As part of the deal, Microsoft committed to continuing development of Microsoft Office for Mac over…
Microsoft Buys Full Rights to 86-DOS
July 27, 1981 About two weeks before IBM begins shipping the first IBM PC, Microsoft buys the full rights to the operating system 86-DOS, formerly known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), from Seattle Computer Products for $ 50,000. Microsoft had previously paid $ 25,000 to SCP for a non-exclusive license in December 1980…
Microsoft Buys Full Rights to 86-DOS
July 27, 1981 About two weeks before IBM begins shipping the first IBM PC, Microsoft buys the full rights to the operating system 86-DOS, formerly known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), from Seattle Computer Products for $ 50,000. Microsoft had previously paid $ 25,000 to SCP for a non-exclusive license in December 1980…