Suspended Computer Repair

Hi, We Are TechiTeens!

The Premier Computer Repair Company

The Days of over complicated, Less than Satisfactory, over Priced Computer Help Are Over


Jump Right Into It

At Any Time Press "Remote Support" and We Can Connect Directly To Your Computer.


Employment Opportunities Promoter Positions Corporate In the News

Application for TechiTeens Technology Services

We're sure that at some point, someone has asked you for computer help or has told you about a problem.

        "My computer wasn't working, I could not get onto the internet"

                                   "My computer is so slow"

"I don't know what went wrong, I went without a computer for several days"
Anytime you hear such a complaint, tell them about us!

You have probably heard of people 'promoting' for a club or a Salon. Our Program is a bit different as we give more back to our promoters. You are not an 'employee' you are a member of the TechiTeen Team.
 As a promoter you may receive:
          •Personal Business Cards
          •Commission of EVERY sale
          •Huge discounts on most products/service
          •increased commission with every sale
          •access to employee-only page

The best part is you have to do almost nothing to make commission. To start all you'll need to do:

          •Print out your business cards
          •Cut out your personal business cards
          •Start handing them out
          •Every person that is referred to us by you, you receive a percentage of the total sale
          •As your referrals come in, we will automatically inform you of how much you have made and when your payment will be ready.




          That's all!  We will review your e-mail, and upon approval we will send your personal business cards

For a list of current promoters click here