Yahoo! offers a service where users on the Internet ask questions about almost anything anything and everything under the sun. There are questions about car repairs, makeup tips, cleaning a sink, and everything in between.
Frequently users ask questions about finding the best "things" to buy or look into. You have potential customers, ready to use your service, you just need to find them!
We use a wide array of white-hate solutions to find those questions that will connect you to a potential customers. We will target those questions that are extremely relevant to your website and/or your expertise, so you end up receiving quality results when they visit to your website. It’s a new way to build links and drive traffic to your website. We abide by all Yahoo! Answers guidelines and will never spam.
We offer a complete satisfaction guarantee. If you don't see the visits to your site increase, we'll answer even more questions for FREE.
Submission Features:
•We will manually post the answer for those questions pertaining to your business.
•We will create a particular account and business profile.
•The best feature of yahoo answers is one answer will be translated to over twenty five other languages.
•We pride ourselves on offering exceptional customer service - all queries will be answered within 24 hours.
•All answers will be written by our marketing experts to get the best results
•Posting on yahoo answers is one of the best directions to create meaningful backlinks (and traffic) to your website which can lead to better search engine
position and higher ranking.